Department of Physics of New Alipore College boasts of proper infrastructure for the teaching of Physics in the Undergraduate level and a friendly atmosphere that encourages the young students to develop skill in the subject. The departmental library gives them easy and instant access of the books for both general study and reference purposes. The instruments are sufficient to carry out experiments referred to in the syllabus or for deeper understanding of the subject. The teachers here provide assistance to the students both in the classes and outside.
Department has been enriched by the profound knowledges from the retired teachers like Sri Kashinath Mondal, Sri Akhil Kumar Bose, Dr. Dhiranjan Roy who later moved to JU, Sri Samir Kumar Bose, Dr. Asokenath Bose who later moved to JU and became the Vice Chancellor of JU, Sri Pralhas Ghorrui, Dr. Monoranjan Biswas, Dr. Satyendranath Maity, Dr. Indranil Mitra and late Dr. Debrupa Chakraverty.
The Department is proud to have an erudite faculty and alumni well established in reputed institutions all over the world. Dr. Swarnapratim Bhattacharyya, Dr. Somdatta Bhattacharyya, Prof. Kartick adhikari and Dr. Rupali Maji are actively engaged in pioneering research in collaboration with different universities and research institutes. Dr. Swarnapratim Bhattacharyya has supervised the Ph.D work of one scholar.
Ex Students of these departments are placed in Various colleges and Research Institutions. Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharyya is currently reader of National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune University campus. Dr. Tilak Sinha is currently Assistant Professor in Narasimha Dutta College, Howrah. Dr. Dipankar Bhattacharyya is currently Associate Professor in Santipur College. Dr. Siddartha Sinha is currently Assistant Professor in Khatra Adibasi Mahavidyalaya. Dr. Deboprem Bhattacharyya is currently working under WBES.
Department is proud to have exstudents like Dr. Hisey Lama who is currently engaged in post Doc work in Institute for Basic Science, South Korea., Ms. Salma Khatun who is currently engaged in an internship programme at Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel and Dr. Jayshankar Saha is engaged in the Post Doc work at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. Apart from these, many students are currenly doing their Ph.d in Physics.
SL.No | Subject | Download / View |
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Title. |
Journal, Page no, Vol. ISSN/ISBN No. |
Whether peer reviewed. Impact factor, if any |
1. |
“A Study of Multifractality and phase transition in Heavy Ion Collisions-- Experimental Data versus Model Simulation” (Accepted on 24.10.2017) |
Fractals 26(2018)1850015 ISSN (print): 0218-348X: ISSN (online): 1793-6543 |
Yes 1.629
2. |
“A Comparative Study of |
Advances in High Energy Physics Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 6307205 ISSN: 1687-7357 (Print): ISSN: 1687-7365 (Online)
Yes 2.05 |
3. |
“Evidence of forward-backward multiplicity correlation at SPS energy ” (Accepted on 4.4.2018) |
Int. Jour. of Mod Phy E 27(2018) 1850029 ISSN 0218-3013 (print) ISSN:1793-6608 (online)
Yes 1.615 |
4. |
“Multifractal analysis of charged particle multiplicity distribution in the framework of Renyi entropy” (Accepted on 22.05.2018) |
Advances in High Energy Physics Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 6384357 ISSN: 1687-7357 (Print): ISSN: 1687-7365 (Online) |
Yes 2.05 |
5. |
Projectile Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei in peripheral Collisions (Accepted on 13.11.2018)
Euro. Phy. Jour. Plus 134(2019)37 ISSN 2190-5444 (electronic version) |
Yes 2.24 |
6. |
A Continuous Wavelet Transform analysis of multiparticle emission data at SPS energy (Accepted on 24.03.2019) |
Int. Jour. of Mod Phy E 28(2019) 1950016 ISSN 0218-3013 (print) ISSN:1793-6608 (online) |
Yes 1.615 |
7. |
An Investigation of Projectile Helium fragments in High energy Nucleus-Nucleus interactions (Accepted on 17.04.2019) |
Canadian Journal of Physics 98 (2020) 153 ISSN 008-4204 (print) ISSN:1208-6045 (online) |
Yes 1.032 |
8. |
Event by Event analysis of Maximum Pseudo-rapidity Gap Fluctuation in High energy Nucleus-nucleus Collisions (Accepted on 20.05.2019) |
EPL. 126(2019)42001
Online ISSN: 1286-4854 |
Yes 1.958 |
9. |
Centrality dependence of Pseudo-rapidity distribution in Nucleus-Nucleus collisions at (4.1-4.5) AGeV/c (Accepted on 22.04.2020) |
Int. Jour. of Mod Phy E 29(2020)2050020 ISSN 0218-3013 (print) ISSN:1793-6608 (online)
Yes 1.036 |
10. |
Event-By-Event Fluctuations of Maximum Particle Density With Respect to the Width of the Pseudo-Rapidity Interval at a Few A GeV/c (Accepted on 3.08.2020) |
EPL 131(2020)42001
Online ISSN: 1286-4854 |
Yes 1.958 |
Sl. No. |
Title. |
Journal, Page no, Vol. ISSN/ISBN No. |
Whether peer reviewed. Impact factor, if any |
11. |
Studies of Asymmetric particle Production in different multiplicity Zone in azimuthal space in high energy Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions (Accepted on 10.08.2020) |
Canadian Journal of Physics 99(2021)340 ISSN 008-4204 (print) ISSN:1208-6045 (online) |
Yes 1.032 |
12. |
Investigation of Centrality dependence of Dynamical Fluctuations in Narrow Pseudo-Rapidity Interval on Event-By-Event Basis (Accepted on 09.10.2020) |
Int. Jour. of Mod Phy E 29(2020)2050083 ISSN 0218-3013 (print) ISSN:1793-6608 (online)
Yes 1.036 |
13. |
A Search for the Quark-Hadron Phase Transition in Simulated pp collisions at (Accepted on 14.03.2021) |
Euro. Phy. Jour. Plus 136(2021)471 ISSN 2190-5444 (electronic version) |
Yes 3.22 |
14. |
Backward shower particle production in High Energy Nucleus-nucleus Collisions-An Outlook to Centrality Dependence. (Accepted on 08.04.2021) |
Int. Jour. of Mod Phy E 30(2021)2150032 ISSN 0218-3013 (print) ISSN:1793-6608 (online)
Yes 1.174 |
15. |
Multiplicity Characteristics of the produced Shower particles in Backward Direction-Target and Projectile dependence (Accepted on 20.04.2021) |
Euro. Phy Jour. A 57(2021)164 ISSN 1434-6001 (print) ISSN:1434-601X (online)
Yes 2.176 |
16. |
Pseudo-rapidity Fluctuations revisited on event-by-event basis- Dependence on Centrality of Collisions (Accepted on 23.08.2021) |
EPL 135(2021)42001
Online ISSN: 1286-4854 |
Yes 1.958 |
17. |
“Tunable Angle-Dependent Magnetization Dynamics in Ni80Fe20 Nanocross Structures of Varying Size” (Published on 03.10.2018) |
Physical Review Applied 10(2018)044010
Online ISSN: 2331-7019 |
Yes 4.931 |
18. |
“Large Nonlinear Ferromagnetic Resonance Shift and Strong Magnon-Magnon Coupling in Ni80Fe20 Nanocross Array” (Published on 04.02.2020) |
Physical Review B 101(2020)054406
Online ISSN: 2469-9969 |
Yes 3.908 |
19. |
“Observation of Magnon-Magnon Coupling with High Cooperativity in Ni80Fe20 Cross-shaped Nanoring Array” (Published on 09.07.2021) |
Nanotechnology 32(2021)395706
Online ISSN: 0957-4484 |
Yes 3.953 |
20 |
Does dark matter admixed pulsar exist?
Eur.Phys.J.Plus 135 (2020) 4, 362 |
Yes 3.228 |
21 |
Possible existence of dark matter admixed pulsar
Eur.Phys.J.Plus 135 (2020) 8, 637 |
Yes 3.228 |
22 |
Eur.Phys.J.Plus 135 (2020) 10, 819 |
Yes 3.228 |
23 |
Astrophys.Space Sci. 367 (2022) 1, 4
Yes 1.909 |
24 |
Increase of side band powersin parallel phase modulation by Lithium Niobate-based Electro-optic Crystal |
Brazilian Journal of Physics.51(2021)738 |
Yes 1.364 |
25 |
Int. Jour. of Mod Phy E 31(2022) 2250091 |
yes .922 |
26 |
An Outlook to Centrality Dependence of Event-by-Event Fluctuations of Maximum Pseudo-rapidity Gap |
EPL 142(2023)14002
Yes 1.958 |
27 |
Study of multiplicity fluctuations in terms of strongly intensive quantity in forward-backward zone
Phys. Lett. B 842(2023)137980
Yes 4.95 |
Well Equipped Modern Physics and solid state Physics lab with
Well Equipped Optics labs with Sodium, He and Neon sources with following instruments
Well equipped Electronics laboratory with the following equipments;
SL.No | Title | View File |